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Charles Zuegner and Mary Carol Zuegner Endowed Scholarship
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The Charles Zuegner and Mary Carol Zuegner Endowed Scholarship

The Charles Zuegner and Mary Carol Zuegner Endowed Scholarship is named for Carol Zuegner, PhD — associate professor of journalism and the Joella Cohen Endowed Chair — and her late father, Chuck Zuegner. He taught at Creighton for 30 years and was fondly known as Mr. Z to his students.

As an undergraduate at Creighton, Carol Zuegner, PhD, learned from professors — including her father — who were dedicated to the formation of discerning, critical minds to report the news.

“With my dad and other journalism faculty, I always felt the sense that I was being mentored, that I was being cared for and that we, in turn, were caring for the human being at the end of every story. That’s the message I want to continue to bring out.”

— Carol Zuegner, PhD

Honoring their legacies

Your gift to the Charles Zuegner and Mary Carol Zuegner Endowed Scholarship honors the legacies of two dedicated Creighton faculty while supporting students with a passion for journalism.

“I would not be where I am today without Dr. David Haberman and Chuck Zuegner, and it is no surprise that Z’s daughter, Dr. Zuegner, is continuing his legacy and impacting the lives of Creighton students today.”

— Kevin Sarver, BA’89

“When I received the Zuegner Scholarship it made it clear to me how much of a family the journalism department is. It was clear to me how much Carol’s dad meant to her, and that made the scholarship even more meaningful. To this day, I have that feeling of family when I meet current journalism majors at Creighton."

— Danny Sullivan, BA’01

The Department of Computer Science, Design & Journalism

The Department of Computer Science, Design & Journalism offers a unique combination of programs (journalism, graphic design, filmmaking and computer science) with innovative classes and projects like Backpack Journalism, 3-D Printing, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Community Mural Projects, Data Of/For/By the People and more.

The quickly evolving landscapes in all three programs make innovation essential, as we teach our students the latest skills and techniques and give them the tools to continue growing as professionals and people.

What is Giving Day?

It’s the day you make a difference for Creighton University.

The day you can support our most immediate areas of need.

The day thousands of donors like you come together to make a huge collective impact, one gift at a time.

P.S. — Your gift will also support Creighton's historic Forward Blue fundraising campaign!