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Creighton Sustainability Student Action Fund
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The Creighton Student Sustainability Action Fund

Your Giving Day support will help provide grants for 100%-student-led sustainability projects and initiatives with the Creighton Student Sustainability Action Fund.

Our students’ ingenuity and passion are a driving force behind Creighton’s sustainability efforts, and we seek their energy and perspective on issues of great importance, such as addressing the climate crisis. This action fund is our way of giving students the necessary resources to bring their thoughtful ideas to life. 

Students who apply gain experience writing grants and managing projects while contributing to a more sustainable campus.

The Sustainability Action Fund allows students to access financial support for projects they're passionate about. All Giving Day gifts made to this cause will support students as they develop their bold ideas and advance the mission of Creighton.

Cultivating campus sustainability: Your Giving Day support makes a difference

Your support is shaping a more sustainable and environmentally conscious campus community at Creighton University.

Gifts to the CSSAF helped students complete the Native Nebraska Pollinator Garden located on the Reinert Alumni Library's upper deck. The garden benefits pollinator species and facilitates research and programming. On the Phoenix campus, Creighton medical students utilized the CSSAF to host a Second Chance Mending event to promote sustainable fashion practices. Through this initiative, students were provided sewing kits and were taught basic mending techniques to extend the life of clothing and textiles.

Your generous contributions have enabled the CSSAF to support a variety of programming, such as a residence hall energy reduction competition, resulting in an impressive 11% decrease in electricity usage across the participating halls, and facilitated the organization of a Sustainability Week led by students on our Phoenix campus.

Fulfilling our mission

At Creighton, we recognize sustainability as a way to fulfill our moral responsibility to care for creation. The Office of Sustainability Programs was established in 2017 to implement sustainable practices on campus, serving as a hub for students, faculty, staff, administrators and alumni, as well as our partners, local and global.

Our students' ingenuity and passion have driven Creighton's status as an emerging leader in higher education sustainability, and we seek their energy and perspective on issues of great importance, such as the climate crisis.

What Is Giving Day?

It’s the day you make a difference for Creighton University.

The day you can support our most immediate areas of need.

The day thousands of donors like you come together to make a huge collective impact, one gift at a time.

P.S. — Your gift will also support Creighton's historic Forward Blue fundraising campaign!