School of Law — Frances Ryan Diversity Scholarship
Your gift will support the Frances Ryan Diversity Scholarship, which is awarded to applicants who help us create a more diverse law school community.
Throughout her career, the late Frances Ryan (pictured above) was a trailblazer. She achieved many firsts – the first female editor-in-chief of the Marquette Law Review and the first female faculty member at Creighton's School of Law.
But she is best remembered for her work recruiting, mentoring and advocating for law students from underrepresented groups.
Professor Ryan’s dedication to students lives on through the scholarship in her name.
The student experience
"Thank you for your commitment to my growth, as well as my peers' growth. Creighton has reached my mind, heart and soul in a way that I have never experienced. Keeping this institution's immense virtue accessible to students like me is something my family and I will forever be thankful for."
— César Magaña Linares, JD'22, recipient of the Frances Ryan Diversity Scholarship
Help us make a difference
As our alumni know, Creighton's School of Law provides our students with intellectual challenge, academic rigor and an opportunity to form a foundation of values for lifelong service in the law.
Students coming from 38 states and two territories excel through hands-on opportunities in legal clinics and externships, and exposure to law organizations in every corner of the world.
By following Frances Ryan’s example of recruiting and mentoring students from underrepresented backgrounds, the Creighton School of Law has continued to increase its diversity over the decades. But much work remains.
With your support of funds like the Ryan Scholarship, you can help Creighton's law school continue to offer a supportive environment for students who come from backgrounds underrepresented in the legal community.
What is Giving Day?
It’s the day you make a difference for Creighton University.
The day you can support our most immediate areas of need.
The day thousands of donors like you come together to make a huge collective impact, one gift at a time.
P.S. — Your gift will also support Creighton's historic Forward Blue fundraising campaign!